What are you doing to celebrate Imbolc? Any special ceremonies? Starting your Spring cleaning? Blessing your garden? Meditating on your Goddess?
Tonight we are holding a public ritual at 6 p.m. at Sacred Wisdom Healing Center . And I will be celebrating this weekend with my coven. This is my favorite time of the year. I love the energy of Imbolc and Ostara. I feel like the Maiden with wide eyes and unlimited possibilities for the year. I love starting the year on with fresh foundations so I really embrace Spring Cleaning.
My Spring Cleaning is threefold. Home, body, and spirit/mental. I clean my house from top to bottom. I like to detox my body and usually change my diet to something cleansing i.e. raw for at least a couple of weeks. And for my spirit/mental I pull out of my noggin everything that causes me guilt. There are those people I haven't contacted as often as I like, send them a note, a card, an email, etc... There is the guilt I can make amends for. There is the guilt I can do nothing about because either it would cause more harm to try to make amends, I can't make amends for, free floating guilt, or guilt towards myself. For those I hold a ritual similar to a Rites of Release and burn those guilts and release them. Sometimes this needs to be repeated cuz I need to remind myself that I'm no longer carrying this guilt.
Around the house we are busy little bees. Our current project is to reorganize, clean, and get rid of as much as possible. I should be *mostly* done with the bathroom and start on my bedroom today. Our dehumidifier fried so when we get our new one I need to dry out my bathroom before re-caulking the tub.
Usually I do the bulk of the Spring Cleaning, however this year while pondering my birthday wishes I realized a thoroughly clean and decluttered house was my biggest wish. As I didn't want this project to go on without end I set a project timeframe: February 1st to February 21st. My birthday is February 22nd and who wants to clean on their birthday? I explained my birthday wish to my family and then asked for an amount of time from each person each day. So far its my best birthday ever and its still 3 weeks away. Yeah me! :)