noun: destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else
verb: to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy especially for an ideal, belief, or end
Check in with yourself. Are you feeling less than 100%? Feeling overwhelmed? Like you aren't getting any personal time? Like you want the world to stop so you can catch your breath?
Are you at the same time saying that you will make the necessary sacrifices to get to the future self you desire? Are you willing to do what it takes to make change? Are you TURNT about bringing new things into your life?
Those feel like contrary things and they are. Have you agreed to sacrifice... in the long term?
Sacrifice can sound romantic and empowering. Sacrifice is simple and easy for 5 minutes. For an hour. What happens when it is beyond a day? What happens when the sacrifice is long term or permanent?
What happens when sacrifice is no longer romantic and attractive and ooh la la?
Why do you want these things? Generate the feelings in you of success, of achieving those new things, of what that future you feels like in the moment.
You are strong enough. You got this. A little pain does not discourage you, it remind you that this SACRIFICE is your choice. You choose this moment so that in the future you do not feel the pain.
"If you feel overwhelmed at this level, you're not ready for the next." -Brendon Burchard