re·viv·al /rəˈvīvəl/
- an improvement in the condition or strength of something."a revival in the fortunes of the party"
- an instance of something becoming popular, active, or important again."cross-country skiing is enjoying a revival"a new production of an old play or similar work.
Dude. Dude! Where in your freaking life do you need a revival? Where do you need a religious fervor? Where do you need a restoration of body and mind vigor?
Think about it. Pull up the image in your mind's eye of a cliched revival. People yelling. People jumping. People filled with hope and joy.
Don't leave revivals in a tent. Bring the revival to your life. Seriously, bring the religious fervor to your own life to increase your vitality, to improve your life, to make it important again.
I am so passionate about this word and the meaning behind it, I want it in a tattoo. Make it into merch. Wear it. Live it. Be it!
This is my Revival!