That extraordinary life comes at the end of a series of extraordinary results. Each extraordinary result comes from extraordinary effort. Extraordinary effort is simple. Let's keep this KISS:
1. The effort you make should stretch you. It should push you out of our comfort zone.
2. The effort you make should move you closer to the result you want. STOP busy work vs life's work!!!
3. Ignore the temporary results, we are working towards the long term, life altering wins.
Need an example? I am shooting for 24% body fat. I work out every
single day. This morning I was running intervals and breath control is something I struggle with so I made a small change. All I did was take a slightly deeper breath than what I naturally wanted to. Tiny change, but I guarantee it will pay off. I have not seen in my day to day results the body fat changes that I was hoping for or even expecting. But I know what it takes for long lasting, true health. Good nutrition and good physical activity. Check and check. I'm on the correct path. May not seem extraordinary now, but when I complete the Tough Mudder for my 50th birthday that will be!
Be extraordinary! Be limitless!