Mini Capsule Wardrobe

I was exploring the idea of a uniform last week and feel like I might be too hindered by that.  For me, that uniform would look like a black tee, black jeans, all of my shoes, and all of my jackets.  

I might play with this idea later on.  

I enjoy doing this little experiments as I learn a lot about myself.  

So I decided to try out a mini capsule to see how I feel.  I am still, what I would guess to be, midway through this.  So far I have learned that I feel like I need more.  Like more color or more options or different options.  Since I can't actually define what that more is, I think it's simple dissatisfaction with choices that happen to all of us no matter how much is in our closet.

These images are not to make you go out and buy the same thing.  They aren't even ideal for me, but 1) use what you have 2) stop trying to buy a fix for everything 3) progress over perfection.

So I chose to work with 3 shirts, 4 pants, 3 jackets, 3 shoes, 3 purses, 4 necklaces, 3 earrings,  3 bracelets, and 5 rings.  

There was no serious thought put into this.  I just sectioned off a portion of my closet and put everything in one spot.  No, I don't usually swap my hand bags around much.  I have been with this challenge.  Yes, I have more jewelry pieces than clothing pieces, stop being judgy!  

White tee, grey tee, striped tee
Blue skinny jeans, black skinny jeans, cropped boyfriend jeans, grey skinny pants
Light pink moto, grey blazer, tan trench coat

I know, shocking, that I chose only Tieks for my shoes.  So far I have worn the sand snakes the most to add a bit of flair to my outfit.

For handbags I have a soft pink handbag, black crossbody, and white and tan handbag.  

I have worn these pieces for a total of 5 days so far.  As we get closer to this post going live, I will check in and tell you how it is going.  I can tell you so far I have worn every piece at least once except for 1 bracelet.  That's a total win for me!

2 weeks in and the only drawback that I see from so few pieces is that I have to wash my clothing more frequently as there isn't as many days between wear so they "feel" dirty quicker.  If this doesn't mean anything to you, as background, I only wash my clothing when they look or feel dirty.  Not after every wear.

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