I am really struggling right now with my mortality. I don't know that there is one trigger, but seems like multiple triggers.
The crease between my eyebrows is deepening. The crows feet have turned into the Mariana trench. I noticed last night when stretching that the skin above my knees is sagging. Let's not talk about my floopy boobs.
I had a conversation recently with a coworker who told me that it is fact that people quit riding bikes (speed work) around the age of 55 because they can no longer balance.
It pisses me off and scares me at the same time.
What if I am old?
I don't feel old. I know I have so much potential inside me. I also know that we continuously push the bounds of what we can do.
Iron nun - she did her first Ironman at 65 years old and is the current record holder for oldest woman to complete one at the age of 82.
Yeah, I know this. I can point to actual cases that "proves" my coworker's facts wrong.
I know it doesn't help when other things are out of control. Work is really imbalanced. I'm gaining weight because it is Thursday. Everything feels out of control including my age.
What do you do when your inner little bitch is yammering? What do you do when you are lying to yourself in ugly ways?