"How can I sanctify my day? How can I sanctify my week? How can I sanctify my month? How can I sanctify my year? I will write this down and share it with my husband or wife if I am married, or with a friend, roommate, or small group. If I have a plan and share it, it will bear fruit." page 24
There are all sorts of quotes about plans. "Plan for today or your potatoes will sour." "A plan not set allows aliens to multiple." Or something like that.
My point is that we take all this time to plan the year. To plan the month. Well... some of us plan. And some of us feel like we ought to plan.
My point is how are we setting the year up in prayer? How are we asking God to guide our plans? Or bless our plans? How are we making the day holy?
I do a holy hour twice a month which is my absolute favorite thing I do on a regular basis. I'm thinking I need to set that as a model and use that to sanctify my week with it. How about at each other level?
Brainstorming here:
Retreats, prayers, special prayers, dedications... help me. You have any ideas?