Importance of Mental Prayer

 "First, we need to be convinced of the vital importance of mental prayer. 'He who avoids prayer is avoiding everything that is good,' said St. John of the Cross. All the saints have spent time praying. Those who were most involved in the service of their neighbor were also contemplatives. St. Vincent de Paul began each day with two or three hours of mental prayer and meditation." page 24

I spend a bit of time each morning in prayer and reflection, ie spiritual readings, studies, Liturgy of the Hours, and rosary.  But with humility, I will confess that I fantasy mental prayer.  What I mean by this is I think about it, I think about doing mental prayer.  I think about how awesome it would be to be in mental prayer every day.  

But reality is that my mental prayer is mostly fantasy.  I need to have the perfect set up in my house and then I am going to mental pray so hard. If I had more time in my day, I would totally rock the mental prayer.  

Let's pause, right now in this moment and spend a minute or two just quietly in mental prayer.

Lord God of Hosts, you are never far.  Thank you for your indwelling.  Thank you for tabernacling within.  Lord, draw me after you!

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