"Let those who are fully taken up with activity, who imagine they can move the world by their preaching and their other external works, reflect here for a moment; they will easily understand that they would be much more useful to the Church, and more pleasing to the Lord, not to mention the good example they would set around them, if they dedicated half their time to mental prayer, even though they may not be as advanced as the soul described here. If they did, they would accomplish a greater good by one single work, and with much less effort, than they now accomplish by the thousand works on which they spend their lives. Mental prayer would merit them this grace, and would obtain for them the spiritual strength which they need in order to produce such fruits." page 28
These quotes lately have been brutal to my ego. How about you?
Am I too busy working for God to spend time with God?
Or am I so busy working "for God" and yet forgetting to include him in my work?
Deep breath, that one hit hard.
I feel like sometimes I am metaphorically saying to God, "Get out of my way Lord so I can serve you."
I hope you get a chuckle out of that ridiculousness.
Lord, thank you for your patience and merciful love! Help me to get out of your way so that you can work powerfully in the lives around me. You are God for which I am ever so thankful Lord!