Embracing the Shining Stars Within: A Lesson from Saint Louis Abbey

In the tranquil setting of Saint Louis Abbey, there is a heartwarming tradition that takes place every evening, one that reveals a profound lesson about our intrinsic worth as children of God. The monks of the abbey gather in the calefactory, their monastic "living room," to spend quality time together as a family. It's an opportunity to bond, share stories, and simply enjoy one another's company.

One evening, Brother Augustine, a former stand-up comedian, brought his natural gift for humor to the gathering. His lively personality shone like a star, illuminating the room with laughter and joy. However, the abbot, with his characteristic wisdom, shared a message that would leave a lasting impact on Brother Augustine and all those who heard it.

"Brother Augustine, you have a shining star of a personality," the abbot said. "But sometimes, lesser stars need to have a chance to shine as well."

In those words, Brother Augustine was gently reminded that, while his personality was indeed extraordinary, every monk in the room was a star in their own right. The abbot's message was a gentle nudge to encourage humility and allow others to share their light. It was the kindest way of saying, "Let others have a chance to shine, too."

This anecdote from Saint Louis Abbey serves as a beautiful reminder of the value and dignity inherent in each of us. Galatians 3:26 reminds us that we are all children of God, and as such, we carry an infinite worth that transcends any earthly measure. Our value is not determined by the brightness of our personalities, our accomplishments, or our public recognition. It is an unshakable truth that comes from our identity as beloved children of a Heavenly Father.

When we internalize this profound truth, we no longer feel the need to prove our worth to others. We can embrace our unique qualities and gifts, recognizing that they are God-given and meant to be shared in harmony with the shining stars around us. Humility and a sense of solidarity naturally arise when we acknowledge the divine dignity within ourselves and others.

So, let us remember the lesson from Saint Louis Abbey and the wisdom of the abbot. In a world often driven by the desire to stand out, may we find joy in letting our light shine, while also creating space for the beautiful stars that grace our lives. After all, in the grand constellation of God's creation, each star, no matter how small or dim it may seem, plays a vital role in illuminating the world with His love.

for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. - Galatians 3:26

"Every evening after dinner, the monks of Saint Louis Abbey assemble in the calefactory (monkish for 'living room') for about half an hour to hang out together as a family. Before I entered the monastery, I tried my hand at stand-up comedy, and I guess I still have a bit of the entertainer in me because after one of these nightly get-togethers, the abbot took me aside and said, 'Brother Augustine, you have a shining star of a personality. But sometimes, lesser stars need to have a chance to shine as well.' It’s the nicest way I’ve ever been told to shut up. The fact is we are all stars. We are all infinitely valuable because we are children of God (Gal 3:26). When we learn to acknowledge that dignity in ourselves, we won’t feel like we need to prove it to others."

Wetta, Augustine. Humility Rules: Saint Benedict's Twelve-Step Guide to Genuine Self-Esteem (pp. 40-41). Ignatius Press. Kindle Edition. 

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