Let's Have an Adventure

"In a recent article on postmodern spirituality, Timothy Muldoon makes the following claim about many contemporary young people: 'But what is so utterly foreign to many is the experience of falling in love with God. Religion, for them, is an intellectual exercise rooted in the individual conscience, rather than a response to a God who holds out a hand to say, "Let’s have an adventure!"'" pages 10-11 

God says to us, "Let's have an adventure!"

"Then I encountered this sentence: 'Growth in relationship with God occurs through mutual self-revelation.' I immediately stopped reading. Without fully realizing why, I instinctively knew that in those nine words I had found something of great importance." page 19

How is God revealing himself to you today?  

How are you revealing yourself to him today?

"Once inside again, I realized that my body was right with tension and I wondered why. Didn't take long to figure out that I had been all scrunched up against he cold wind. Yesterday's reading from the Book of Wisdom [Wisd. 13] about how the greatness and beauty of nature should lead one to recognize the hand of the Creator popping into my head. I can't find the words to express the enormous delight I felt in realizing that God is very much present in the cold wind. Frost and chill, bless the Lord [Dan. 3]. Maybe Ignatius would be pleased that I am continuing to find God present in all things.

Yes, I think Ignatius would be pleased that her daily search for God's presence has led her to find God present in all things: in the sun pouring into a room filled with friends, in their welcoming smiles, in the creation that surrounds her, in all the painful and joyful stages of her life. I think God mush thrill with delight to see a heart so alive to the divine presence always with her and so able to grasp that presence. I think God's heart must rejoice whenever the prayer of examen leads a human heart, as George Herbert says, to 'something understood.'

That is the grace of the examen. Poet Jessica Powers writes:

Deep in the soul the acres lie

of virgin lands, of sacred wood

where waits the Spirit." page 176

The Examen Prayer by Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V.

God is very present in the cold wind.... 

the dust motes dancing on a sun beam...

a spider's web...

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