When people seek to undermine religion, their first target is often the priest. The reason is simple – when there is no priest, there is no sacrifice, and when there is no sacrifice, there is no religion. Priests are the linchpin that connects the Divine with the human, the sacred with the worldly. Their role is indispensable, and their spiritual well-being is of par…
Read moreIn the intricate tapestry of the Catholic faith, priests hold a unique and central role. They are the shepherds, the mediators, and the conduits through which the divine grace and sacraments flow to the faithful. In the words of the Magnificat Year for Priests Companion, "At the sight of a spire, you may say, 'What is there? The Body of our Lord. Why is it t…
Read moreThe mission of the Church is not a solitary endeavor; it's a collective effort that transcends the roles of priests and clergy alone. The Church's mission is not solely shouldered by a select few, as highlighted by the words, "They know that they themselves were not established by Christ to undertake alone the whole salvific mission of the Church to the …
Read moreThe wisdom encapsulated in the quote, "We don’t have to work wonders, cast out demons, raise the dead, levitate, bilocate, have visions, or make prophecies to be a saint," profoundly challenges our conventional notions of what it means to be saintly. It is a reminder that sanctity is not solely reserved for those who perform grandiose miracles or engage in …
Read moreIn the tranquil setting of Saint Louis Abbey, there is a heartwarming tradition that takes place every evening, one that reveals a profound lesson about our intrinsic worth as children of God. The monks of the abbey gather in the calefactory, their monastic "living room," to spend quality time together as a family. It's an opportunity to bond, share sto…
Read more"In class a few days later, the same boy raised his hand. When I called on him, he turned around to the rest of the group and said, 'I see what you guys do on the weekends. You’re no better than anyone else. At least I’m true to myself.' There’s a part of me that has to admire a kid like this. He certainly had the courage of his convictions, and I congra…
Read moreIn "Fulfilled: Uncovering the Biblical Foundations of Catholicism," Sonja Corbitt takes readers on an illuminating journey of spiritual discovery. Through her insightful reflections and profound exploration of Scripture, Corbitt reveals the rich tapestry of Catholicism's biblical roots. In this book review, we delve into some key quotes from "Fulfi…
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